WRL Curriculum

Work Related Learning

Our school recognises the importance of preparing students for the world of work and is really committed to helping all students develop their employability skills from the start in year 7. We have strong relationships with a variety of business partners who offer numerous activities in school and offsite.

We are members of renowned national schemes such as Business in the Community, and The Tri- Borough Employability Skills programme. Our business partners such as Cleveland Clinic London, Morgan Sindall, Lloyds Banking Group, the Old Vic Theatre, Zoological Society of London, Bouygues, Unloc. Construction Youth Trust and City Lions have enriched our curriculum through the delivery of exciting workshops and events which our students find extremely beneficial.

These have included:

In Key Stage 3 (Year 7, 8 and 9)

  • HS2 Epic Engineers enterprise challenge
  • Bouygues Girls Believe programme
  • Unloc Enterprise Project
  • Morgan Sindall Building Bright Futures Programme
  • PwC One Firm One Day / enterprise challenge
  • London Zoo Scavenger Hunt

In Key Stage 4 & 5 (Year 10, 11 & Sixth Form)

  • Cleveland Insight Days & Visits to Hospitals
  • Y10 Work experience programme
  • School’s careers Fair
  • Y11 Careers advise interviews with an external adviser
  • The Old Vic Theatre Take the Lead Programme
  • Construction Youth Trust work experience and mentoring progamme
  • Guest speakers from different job sectors are also frequent visitors to the school.
  • One-week work experience in year 12
  • ZSL employability Skills day
  • Russel group careers event
  • University visits


Gatsby Benchmark Our Achievement
(Reviewed December 2022)
1. A stable careers programme 94%
2. Learning from career & labour market information 100%
3. Addressing the needs of each pupil 100%
4. Linking curriculum learning to careers 100%
5. Encounters with employers & employees 100%
6. Experiences of workplaces 100%
7. Encounters with further and higher education 95%
8. Personal guidance 100%