Personal Development Curriculum

Personal Development – Our Overview

At St. Augustine’s, every student’s personal development is an integral part of our vision. Through our academic curriculum, bespoke Pastoral Programme, our Trauma Informed approach and our Student Leadership opportunities, our students have multiple opportunities to learn from a range of external speakers, on issues from male mental health, diversity, equality and from Holocaust survivors. They also participate in a wide range of trips to locations such as Lords Cricket Ground, London Zoo, the Royal Academy and the Houses of Parliament amongst many more. We are incredibly proud of the broad range of extracurricular opportunities we offer. Alongside this, our PSHCE curriculum plays an invaluable role in supporting our students’ development, encouraging them to be the absolute best they can be. 

Our Pastoral Programme 

Every tutor group from Year 7-13 has a bespoke pastoral programme that is delivered every day during AM and PM registration. The re-design of the structure of our school day has enabled us to ensure that our students have more dedicated time to focus, discuss and develop opinions, knowledge, understanding and skills in a wider range of topics. For example, students have a weekly session well-being and self-regulation, collective worship and reflection on our theme of the week, citizenship and culture, topic talks, work related learning, PSHCE and Literacy, oracy and reading. 

Through our wide ranging and diverse PSHCE curriculum, our students develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to keep themselves healthy and safe in today’s world. Carefully planned PSHCE programmes in KS3-KS5 have an impact on both academic and non-academic outcomes for pupils, particularly the most vulnerable and disadvantaged. We encourage questions to be asked in a safe and secure environment, inviting our students to discuss controversial or sensitive issues within the classroom, ensuring all of our teachers are trained in current affairs and issues impacting our young people. We aim to promote an environment where active listening, with healthy debate and discussion, is respected by all. Our PSHCE curriculum prepares students for life in all its fullness.  

The role of PSHCE within Personal Development 

We believe that PSHCE truly is a curriculum for life, promoting social, moral, physical, emotional and mental development. Our community promotes a curriculum which develops skills such as communication, teamwork and self-management. It also promotes the development of empathy, resilience and critical thinking.  

The PSHCE curriculum continues to develop in accordance with the PSHE association guidelines and government advice. We also take into consideration student voice, teacher voice and the overall needs and interests of our students, as discussed with our Directors of Learning for each year group. The curriculum is in line with the National Curriculum for Citizenship, as our topics help to provide pupils with knowledge, skills and understanding to prepare them to play and full and active life in society. Integrating the thoughts and expertise of both our teachers and students is critical to us. They know which issues are impacting them, and we aim to ensure the curriculum is tailored to their needs. 

Overall, the personal development curriculum encompasses all we are as a school. We aim to ‘be our best’ through a trauma informed approach. By encouraging emotional development and intelligence across our community, our students can take advantage of the vast range of extra-curricular opportunities, supporting their development as the leaders of tomorrow. 

School Events This Week

We are pleased to remind  year 7 parent/carers that the Year 7 Pastoral Welcome Evening will be occuring tomorrow

Wednesday 9th October 2024 – 5.00pm until 6.00pm

Best regards,

St. Augustine’s CE High School