Our Acts of Worship

Worship and spiritual celebration at St Augustine’s are a time for joy and reflection when we come together as a community to share and build on our school’s Christian values. Whilst our masses, services and assemblies are guided and framed by our Christian values, they are open to, and inclusive of, all. Our students regardless of faith, or no faith, value and take part in these moments of quiet, respectful reflection.

In our acts of worship, we look to:

  1. Introduce all members of our community to Christian worship and practice and promote their involvement together
  2. Provide opportunities for spiritual development
  3. Create an atmosphere of inclusion, trust and free response from all
  4. Celebrate and develop the school’s values and ethos

Our Collective Worship

In Collective Worship, all members of our community are given opportunities for spiritual development as well as a chance to reflect on a sense of awe and wonder. Students and staff are able to experience worship within our beautiful parish church of St Augustine’s at least three times per year. This provides a spiritual link to our local parish community and a time for deeper contemplation, clarity and peace within an inspiring and beautiful place of worship. Students are therefore able to take great comfort, as well as knowledge and guidance from these services and masses.

This opportunity for theologically driven spiritual reflection, knowledge and wisdom underpins our whole approach to worship and permeates our whole school community. Each week throughout the school year, every year group participates in Collective Worship within the main hall of the school. These assemblies are based around a saint, scriptural passage, feast days, significant events of celebration or remembrance. They are reflective of our inclusive and diverse community enabling all participants to access and have a connection with the important messages conveyed. The content challenges and stimulates with those conducting the assembly seeking to impart wonder and understanding whilst exposing our students to new experiences. Each assembly always begins with a lighting of a candle to help focus those present and always closes with the St Augustine’s School Prayer to ensure purposeful and peaceful reflection on the themes delivered.

Students’ leadership and contribution is evident in the weekly assemblies, services, masses and other worship, and there are a wide range of opportunities for students to plan, support and lead assemblies alongside those members of staff doing so. Students are provided with an opportunity for reflection and feedback after each assembly using Collective Worship reflections book to note their feelings, thoughts and perspectives in.

Students are given a further opportunity to explore and discuss the themes from collective worship in their tutor groups following the assemblies. Students and staff engage in reflective tasks that prompt debate, empathy and understanding ensuring that the knowledge gained has real life impact.

We hold special services and Masses throughout the school year conducted by the Vicar Fr. Amos in St Augustine’s Church, such as Founders’ Day, Advent, Passiontide, Christingle, Ash Wednesday and End of Year Services, as well as Carols, and other celebratory events. In these special acts of worship students and staff actively participate through being servers, acolytes, crucifers, and bell ringers, or by leading readings, music or prayer.

Themes and Readings for Collective Worship 2023/2024

Upcoming School Events

St. Augustine’s Upcoming Events

Parent/Carer Coffee Morning (Discussing Free Things to Do With Your Child in London):

Friday 17th January 2025, 10.00am – 11.00am

Year 8 Parent/Carers’ Evening:

Thursday 23rd January 2025, 4.30pm – 7.00pm

Year 7 Parent/Carers’ Evening:

Wednesday 29th January 2025, 4.30pm – 7.00pm

Many thanks for your support and best regards

St. Augustine’s CE High School