Alumni News

Alumni News and Contact  

We are incredibly proud of all of our ex-students, affectionately known as ‘Old St A’s’. From 2023, we are utilising our Unifrog platform to ensure Year 13 students have the opportunity to register their interest in keeping in touch with the school, with many of them asking to come back to talk about their post-18 experience. All of our current Prefects have declared their interest in staying in touch, asking if they can continue to support projects run by the Charity, Wellbeing and Eco Committees outside of school. It is this love for their school and sixth form that sets our students apart, and of course we will be delighted to be part of their future journey!

As many of our ex-students go on to forge fantastic careers in industries such as STEM (engineering), the arts, music, drama and journalism, we invite a select group of our alumni into school each year to speak to current sixth formers during our ‘It’s MY Future’ week. In 2022, we had students visit us from the University of Edinburgh (Literature), Cambridge (Engineering) and UCL (Dentistry). Many of our subject teams also utilise these contacts, with recent visits from Art graduates, fashion designers and graphic design. We have also had ex-students return to support with teaching in the History department, whilst deciding whether to apply for a PGCE in the subject.

We are incredibly proud of these continued links and would love to build more! If you are an ‘Old St A’ and you would be interested in building links with our community, please do fill out this form with your details and we will be in touch!