

Latest Past Events

Sixth Form Open Evening for all Applicants

The St Augustine’s Church of England High School Sixth Form Open Evening will take place on Thursday 12th October 2023 from 5.00pm until 6.30pm Our annual Sixth Form Open Evening is a chance for prospective Year 12 students and parent/carers to visit our inclusive and values driven school, with outstanding post 19 destinations, and meet...

Open Morning for New Y7 Applicants

The St Augustine’s Church of England High School Open Morning will take place on Friday 21st September 2023 from 9.15am until 10.00am Our Open Mornings are an opportunity for prospective Year 7 students and their parent/carers to visit our inclusive and values driven school and meet our amazing staff and students. Visitors will be provided...

Open Morning for New Y7 Applicants

The St Augustine’s Church of England High School Open Morning will take place on Thursday 21st September 2023 from 9.15am until 10.00am Our Open Mornings are an opportunity for prospective Year 7 students and their parent/carers to visit our inclusive and values driven school and meet our amazing staff and students. Visitors will be provided...

School Events This Week

We are pleased to remind  year 7 parent/carers that the Year 7 Pastoral Welcome Evening will be occuring tomorrow

Wednesday 9th October 2024 – 5.00pm until 6.00pm

Best regards,

St. Augustine’s CE High School